
How Do You Get Star Fragments In Animal Crossing

Star Fragment NH Icon.png

Star Fragments are an item introduced in New Horizons. They are establish on the beach the day later on the histrion wishes on shooting stars during a Meteor Shower or shooting star sighting. They can be used in DIY recipes to create items such as the Star Wand.

The fragments bear a strong resemblance to Konpeitō, a Japanese candy, which is what the Star Bits in Super Mario Galaxy and the Star Fragments and Gratitude Crystals from The Fable of Zelda games were modeled after as well.

Types [edit]

There are several different types of Star Fragments.

Materials in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Particular Image Icon Available from Sell price Recipes Full needed[nb one]
Star Fragment Star Fragment Star Fragment Meteor Shower (Wishing)
 Celeste (sixty% chance if ineligible to obtain additional DIY recipes)
 250 Bells 58 266
Large Star Fragment Large Star Fragment Large Star Fragment Meteor Shower (Wishing)
 Celeste (20% chance if ineligible to obtain boosted DIY recipes)
 2,500 Bells 10 10
Aries Fragment Aries Fragment Aries Fragment Meteor Shower (Wishing during the Aries zodiac, March 21 - Apr nineteen)
 Celeste (20% risk during Aries zodiac if ineligible to obtain additional DIY recipes)
 500 Bells 1 2
Taurus Fragment Taurus Fragment Taurus Fragment Falling star Shower (Wishing during the Taurus zodiac, April 20 - May 20)
 Celeste (20% risk during Taurus zodiac if ineligible to obtain additional DIY recipes)
 500 Bells 1 two
Gemini Fragment Gemini Fragment Gemini Fragment Shooting star Shower (Wishing during the Gemini zodiac, May 21 - June 21)
 Celeste (xx% chance during Gemini zodiac if ineligible to obtain additional DIY recipes)
 500 Bells ane two
Cancer Fragment Cancer Fragment Cancer Fragment Meteor Shower (Wishing during the Cancer zodiac, June 22 - July 22)
 Celeste (xx% chance during Cancer zodiac if ineligible to obtain additional DIY recipes)
 500 Bells 1 2
Leo Fragment Leo Fragment Leo Fragment Meteor Shower (Wishing during the Leo zodiac, July 23 - August 22)
 Celeste (20% take chances during Leo zodiac if ineligible to obtain additional DIY recipes)
 500 Bells ane ii
Virgo Fragment Virgo Fragment Virgo Fragment Meteor Shower (Wishing during the Virgo zodiac, Baronial 23 - September 22)
 Celeste (xx% chance during Virgo zodiac if ineligible to obtain additional DIY recipes)
 500 Bells 1 2
Libra Fragment Libra Fragment Libra Fragment Shooting star Shower (Wishing during the Libra zodiac, September 23 - October 23)
 Celeste (20% take chances during Libra zodiac if ineligible to obtain additional DIY recipes)
 500 Bells i 2
Scorpius Fragment Scorpius Fragment Scorpius Fragment Falling star Shower (Wishing during the Scorpio zodiac, October 24 - Nov 22)
 Celeste (20% hazard during Scorpio zodiac if ineligible to obtain additional DIY recipes)
 500 Bells 1 2
Sagittarius Fragment Sagittarius Fragment Sagittarius Fragment Meteor Shower (Wishing during the Sagittarius zodiac, November 23 - Dec 21)
 Celeste (20% chance during Sagittarius zodiac if ineligible to obtain additional DIY recipes)
 500 Bells 1 2
Capricorn Fragment Capricorn Fragment Capricorn Fragment Meteor Shower (Wishing during the Capricorn zodiac, December 22 - January 19)
 Celeste (20% adventure during Capricorn zodiac if ineligible to obtain additional DIY recipes)
 500 Bells i 2
Aquarius Fragment Aquarius Fragment Aquarius Fragment Meteor Shower (Wishing during the Aquarius zodiac, January twenty - February xviii)
 Celeste (twenty% hazard during Aquarius zodiac if ineligible to obtain boosted DIY recipes)
 500 Bells 1 2
Pisces Fragment Pisces Fragment Pisces Fragment Meteor Shower (Wishing during the Pisces zodiac, February 19 - March 20)
 Celeste (twenty% take chances during Pisces zodiac if ineligible to obtain additional DIY recipes)
 500 Bells ane 2

  1. Number of material needed to craft one of everything that requires this textile
Includes data sourced from this Item Spreadsheet, compiled past 6480, noizhub, Ricky, chaiinchomp, saberslime, robotic_scarab, mollumisc, sunmarsh, kyrokey, obstinateRixatrix, jackiwi, Zalex, SuperHamster, kait, hyuum, Azarro, Czarcasm, cinnamon_swirlix, astronomyfortwo, Welcius, glowtopia, BriKun, Alyrei,, StevieCoops, sneeze, Shiny190, TwistedPeach, LavaToaster, capstone, vmario, rocklamp, Alexis, Aeon, and PanchamBro.

Drop rates [edit]

Fragment Normal rates Birthday zodiac rates[nb 1]
Star Fragment 85% 70%
Large Star Fragment 5% x%
Zodiac fragment ten% 20%

Celeste's stories [edit]

If the thespian has a zodiac item in their pocket (either a star sign fragment or an zodiac item from the Stars Series), they can show Celeste the item and she will tell a story about mythology based on the item.

Aries [edit]

"There were a pair of purple twins named Phrixus and Helle whose stepmother, the queen, hated them. When i of the queen's schemes put the twins' lives in peril, their female parent prayed to Zeus for help. A flying sheep with golden fleece descended from the heavens and rescued the twins! Zeus commemorated the event by hanging the image of the sheep in the stars as the constellation, Aries. Did you notice how Zeus celebrates things Zeus did for Zeus's followers by hanging things in Zeus'south sky?

Taurus [edit]

"An extraordinarily cute princess chosen Europa was picking flowers with her servants past the sea. She was approached by a lovely white balderdash that seemed very friendly, so Europa hopped on its back. As she did so, the bull suddenly took off, dashing across the bounding main in a nigh unbull-like way. The bull, it turned out, was the god, Zeus, who had fallen for Europa...simply he had trouble with boundaries. The constellation, Taurus, honors the great bull, and Europa herself has a whole continent named for her! Only, continent names bated, I imagine Europa would have preferred it if Zeus just asked her to tea."

Gemini [edit]

"The great god, Zeus, had twin sons named Brush and Pollux, who were both brave warriors. While the brothers were very shut and alike in many ways, only Pollux had inherited Zeus's immortality. When Castor eventually died, the grieving Pollux prayed to share his immortality with his brother. Zeus took pity and turned the twins into the constellation, Gemini, so they would e'er exist together. I suppose the lesson of this story is that, occasionally, even Zeus does something for someone else."

Cancer [edit]

"In that location was a monster called the Hydra poisoning a leap that was a kingdom'southward primary water supply. When the great hero Heracles heard about this, he prepare out to rid the land of the beast. Merely as Heracles was nigh to land the finishing blow, the Hydra'southward friend, a crab, arrived to aid information technology out. But the crab was no lucifer for Heracles, who stepped on it and crushed information technology instantly. The dauntless crab, who cared so securely for its friend, was immortalized in the stars as the constellation, Cancer. If only anybody was and so lucky as to have a friend who would come running when they're in a compression!"

Leo [edit]

"There was a mighty king of beasts with unbreakable peel that menaced the wood of Nemea. The great hero Heracles fought the beast and defeated it with nix but his incredible strength! The goddess Hera placed the lion in the stars as the constellation, Leo, to laurels its fight with the hero. I'one thousand not usually one to gossip, but I believe there may have been bad blood between Hera and Heracles!"

Virgo [edit]

"Persephone, daughter of Demeter, was picking flowers when she was abducted by Hades, god of the dead. Demeter was the goddess of the harvest, and she was then upset that all the crops stopped growing! Eventually, mother and child were reunited, but only for part of each year, which is why nosotros have seasons. The constellation, Virgo, is depicted as a immature woman property wheat, in honor of this story. Between yous and me, I think Demeter was suffering from what we call 'empty-nest syndrome.'"

Libra [edit]

"The goddess of justice, Astrea, had a gear up of scales that could mensurate whether someone was good or bad. Just she didn't have much use for them until Pandora opened the box that brought evil into the world. I estimate someone thought they were interesting enough to hang in the sky every bit the constellation, Libra, though. I do wonder why she had those scales already, though... Were the gods...upward to something?"

Scorpio [edit]

"There was a very skilled hunter named Orion who boasted often of his abilities. Orion's airs angered the gods, who sent a poisonous scorpion to sting him to decease. The goddess Artemis, who had ever been fond of Orion, bundled for him to become a constellation. Merely he still feared scorpions, which is why his constellation and Scorpio are never seen together. Personally, I try to acquire from this tale by being apprehensive about my skills as an astronomer and DIY enthusiast."

Sagittarius [edit]

"The half-man, half-horse creatures called centaurs were a rowdy, troublesome bunch. With the exception of Chiron, who was very wise as well as a gifted healer. Merely Chiron got mixed upward in a battle between Heracles and the centaurs, and was hit past a poisoned arrow. But the poison could not kill Chiron, considering he was an immortal beingness of divine parents. The god Zeus saw his discomfort and took pity on him, raising him into the sky equally a constellation. Immortality is ane of those things that SEEMS absurd,'s probably non for everyone."

Capricorn [edit]

"The gods were enjoying a fantastical banquet by a river when the terrible monster Typhon appeared! Unprepared every bit they were for a fight, the gods assumed various animal shapes and fled with all speed. Only Pan, the goatish god of shepherds, jumped into the river, transforming as he did so. Perchance because he was so shocked, he did not finish changing himself into a fish, and only changed his tail. The main god, Zeus, was highly amused at the sight of a goatfish, and hung the image in the stars. I feel sort of bad for Pan in that story, having a constellation based on this embarrassing incident It would exist a bit like someone making a billboard of you while you were changing your dress!"

Aquarius [edit]

"The gods found themselves in need of a cupbearer to refresh their drinks as they lounged on Mount Olympus. Zeus, in the form of a great eagle, spotted an astonishingly handsome young man named Ganymede. He, er, convinced Ganymede to serve on Mountain Olympus, though it meant he would never encounter his family again. To console Ganymede's parents, Zeus hung the cupbearer's prototype in the stars so they could see him. Earlier hearing this story, I had no thought there was so much drama in the lives of the extremely attractive!"

Pisces [edit]

"The gods were enjoying a fantastical feast by a river when the terrible monster Typhon appeared! As the gods ran, Aphrodite tied herself to her son Eros with a rope so that they wouldn't be separated. They so turned into fish and fled, which is why Pisces is often depicted equally 2 fish connected past a rope. While I enjoy that story, it does leave unexplored one item about which I am terribly curious... How did the vain Aphrodite react on finding out that her constellation would portray her equally a fish?"

Use in crafting [edit]

Star Fragments are used every bit a crafting material in the DIY recipes for the following items:

Recipes in Brute Crossing: New Horizons

Item Image Blazon Available from Materials
Star Head Star Head Wearable  Celeste
 Message Bottle
5× Star Fragment
Star Pochette Star Pochette Wear  Celeste
 Message Bottle
6× Star Fragment
Aquarius Urn Aquarius Urn Piece of furniture  Celeste
 Bulletin Canteen
3× Star Fragment
2× Aquarius Fragment
2× Gold Nugget
5× Stone
Aries Rocking Chair Aries Rocking Chair Furniture  Celeste
 Bulletin Canteen
3× Star Fragment
2× Aries Fragment
i× Gilt Asset
v× Stone
Asteroid Asteroid Furniture  Celeste
 Message Bottle
5× Star Fragment
ten× Stone
Astronaut Suit Astronaut Suit Furniture  Celeste
 Message Canteen
five× Star Fragment
5× Atomic number 26 Nugget
Cancer Tabular array Cancer Table Article of furniture  Celeste
 Message Bottle
3× Star Fragment
2× Cancer Fragment
2× Gold Asset
iii× Stone
Capricorn Ornamentation Capricorn Ornament Furniture  Celeste
 Message Bottle
3× Star Fragment
2× Capricorn Fragment
2× Gold Nugget
12× Stone
Crescent-Moon Chair Crescent-Moon Chair Furniture  Celeste
 Message Bottle
7× Star Fragment
1× Large Star Fragment
Crewed Spaceship Crewed Spaceship Article of furniture  Celeste
 Message Bottle
ten× Star Fragment
20× Fe Nugget
Flying Saucer Flying Saucer Furniture  Celeste
 Message Canteen
15× Star Fragment
10× Iron Asset
Gemini Cupboard Gemini Closet Furniture  Celeste
 Bulletin Bottle
3× Star Fragment
2× Gemini Fragment
2× Golden Nugget
vi× Stone
Leo Sculpture Leo Sculpture Furniture  Celeste
 Message Bottle
3× Star Fragment
2× Leo Fragment
ii× Gilt Nugget
3× Stone
Libra Scale Libra Scale Piece of furniture  Celeste
 Message Bottle
3× Star Fragment
2× Libra Fragment
two× Gold Nugget
Lunar Lander Lunar Lander Furniture  Celeste
 Bulletin Bottle
10× Star Fragment
15× Iron Nugget
Lunar Rover Lunar Rover Furniture  Celeste
 Message Bottle
10× Star Fragment
10× Iron Asset
4× Sometime Tire
Moon Moon Piece of furniture  Celeste
 Message Bottle
15× Star Fragment
ane× Large Star Fragment
Nova Calorie-free Nova Light Furniture  Celeste
 Bulletin Bottle
five× Star Fragment
Pisces Lamp Pisces Lamp Article of furniture  Celeste
 Bulletin Canteen
3× Star Fragment
2× Pisces Fragment
2× Gold Asset
4× Stone
Rocket Rocket Article of furniture  Celeste
 Message Bottle
ten× Star Fragment
xx× Fe Nugget
Sagittarius Pointer Sagittarius Arrow Piece of furniture  Celeste
 Message Bottle
3× Star Fragment
2× Sagittarius Fragment
2× Gilded Nugget
Satellite Satellite Article of furniture  Celeste
 Message Bottle
10× Star Fragment
15× Iron Asset
Scorpio Lamp Scorpio Lamp Piece of furniture  Celeste
 Message Bottle
three× Star Fragment
two× Scorpius Fragment
ii× Gold Asset
5× Stone
Infinite Shuttle Space Shuttle Article of furniture  Celeste
 Message Bottle
5× Star Fragment
10× Iron Asset
Star Clock Star Clock Article of furniture  Celeste
 Bulletin Canteen
3× Star Fragment
1× Iron Asset
Starry Garland Starry Garland Furniture  Celeste
 Message Bottle
10× Star Fragment
Taurus Bathtub Taurus Bathtub Furniture  Celeste
 Message Bottle
3× Star Fragment
2× Taurus Fragment
1× Gold Nugget
8× Stone
Virgo Harp Virgo Harp Furniture  Celeste
 Message Bottle
three× Star Fragment
2× Virgo Fragment
2× Gold Nugget
4× Stone
Galaxy Floor Galaxy Flooring Interior  Celeste
 Message Bottle
5× Star Fragment
1× Large Star Fragment
Lunar Surface Lunar Surface Interior  Celeste
 Message Bottle
v× Star Fragment
1× Big Star Fragment
Sci-Fi Flooring Sci-Fi Flooring Interior  Celeste
 Message Canteen
5× Star Fragment
1× Big Star Fragment
Sci-Fi Wall Sci-Fi Wall Interior  Celeste
 Bulletin Bottle
5× Star Fragment
ane× Large Star Fragment
Starry Wall Starry Wall Interior  Celeste
 Bulletin Bottle
5× Star Fragment
1× Large Star Fragment
Starry-Skies Carpet Starry-Skies Rug Interior  Celeste
 Message Bottle
1× Star Fragment
1× Big Star Fragment
Starry-Sky Wall Starry-Sky Wall Interior  Celeste
 Message Bottle
five× Star Fragment
1× Large Star Fragment
Yellow Star Rug Yellow Star Rug Interior  Celeste
 Bulletin Bottle
three× Star Fragment
Bamboo Wand Bamboo Wand Tools  Balloons
 Bulletin Bottle
half-dozen× Young Spring Bamboo
3× Star Fragment
Bunny Mean solar day Wand Bunny Day Wand Tools  Attachment
ane× Wobbling Zipper Toy
3× Star Fragment
Cherry-Blossom Wand Cherry-Blossom Wand Tools  Balloons
 Message Bottle
iii× Cherry-Blossom Petal
iii× Star Fragment
Cosmos Wand Cosmos Wand Tools  Celeste
 Message Bottle
1× White Cosmos
three× Star Fragment
Golden Wand Golden Wand Tools  Celeste
 Message Canteen
2× Golden Asset
iii× Star Fragment
Hyacinth Wand Hyacinth Wand Tools  Celeste
 Message Bottle
one× Pink Hyacinths
3× Star Fragment
Water ice Wand Ice Wand Tools  Snowboy
1× Large Snowflake
3× Star Fragment
Fe Wand Iron Wand Tools  Celeste
 Message Bottle
three× Atomic number 26 Nugget
three× Star Fragment
Lily Wand Lily Wand Tools  Celeste
 Message Bottle
1× White Lilies
3× Star Fragment
Mums Wand Mums Wand Tools  Celeste
 Message Bottle
1× Xanthous Mums
three× Star Fragment
Mushroom Wand Mushroom Wand Tools  Balloons
 Message Bottle
three× Skinny Mushroom
3× Star Fragment
Pansy Wand Pansy Wand Tools  Celeste
 Message Bottle
1× Yellow Pansies
3× Star Fragment
Rose Wand Rose Wand Tools  Celeste
 Bulletin Bottle
1× Red Roses
3× Star Fragment
Shamrock Wand Shamrock Wand Tools  Balloons
3× Clump of Weeds
3× Star Fragment
Beat out Wand Shell Wand Tools  Balloons
 Bulletin Bottle
3× Summertime Shell
three× Star Fragment
Spooky Wand Spooky Wand Tools  Jack
1× Spooky Lantern
iii× Star Fragment
Star Wand Star Wand Tools  Celeste
 Message Canteen
ane× Large Star Fragment
3× Star Fragment
Tree-Branch Wand Tree-Branch Wand Tools  Celeste
 Message Canteen
5× Tree Branch
3× Star Fragment
Tulip Wand Tulip Wand Tools  Celeste
 Bulletin Canteen
1× Crimson Tulips
3× Star Fragment
Wand Wand Tools  Celeste
 Message Bottle
two× Star Fragment
Wedding Wand Wedding Wand Tools  Cyrus
1× Hymeneals Flower Stand
three× Star Fragment
Windflower Wand Windflower Wand Tools  Celeste
 Bulletin Bottle
one× Orange Windflowers
three× Star Fragment

Includes data sourced from this Item Spreadsheet, compiled by 6480, noizhub, Ricky, chaiinchomp, saberslime, robotic_scarab, mollumisc, sunmarsh, kyrokey, obstinateRixatrix, jackiwi, Zalex, SuperHamster, kait, hyuum, Azarro, Czarcasm, cinnamon_swirlix, astronomyfortwo, Welcius, glowtopia, BriKun, Alyrei,, StevieCoops, sneeze, Shiny190, TwistedPeach, LavaToaster, capstone, vmario, rocklamp, Alexis, Aeon, and PanchamBro.

Gallery [edit]

Notes [edit]

  1. When wishing on a shooting star shower during the actor'due south zodiac season


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