April Gardening To Do List
Protect Squash
Protect ripening fall pumpkins and winter squash. Slip a piece of terra-cotta beneath them to prevent rot on the bottom. Cover fruits with netting if hungry critters visit your garden frequently. — Julie Martens/Frostburg, Maryland
Also See: 20 Incredible Squash Varieties
Sow Cool-Weather Crops
I'll be sowing fall cold weather crops in the garden this month—cabbages, lettuces, broccoli, cauliflower, Swiss chard, kale, beets and radishes.—Melissa Caughey/Osterville, Massachusetts
Also See: 16 Vegetables You Can Plant Now for Fall Harvest
Remove Infected Tomato Plants
Pull tomato plants that are done bearing and showing signs of late blight. Destroy—don't compost—these plants. — Julie Martens
Also See: Fighting Tomato Blight
Start Preserving
We'll make pickles, cucumber kimchi and hot sauce. — Debbie and Mark Wolfe/Atlanta, Georgia
Also See: Home Canning for Beginners: Tools and Tips for Success
Harvest Sweet Potatoes
We'll harvest and cure sweet potatoes. — Debbie and Mark Wolfe
Also See: How to Plant and Grow Sweet Potatoes
Dry Herbs
Dry cuttings of basil, oregano, sage, thyme, rosemary and sweet bay. — Debbie and Mark Wolfe
Also See: Make an Herb Drying Rack
Drown Japanese Beetles
Drown pesky Japanese beetles in a a cup of soapy water. Remove damaged leaves so plants look fresh.—Kim Visokey/Winnetka, Illinois
Learn More: 10 Ways To Deal With Japanese Beetles
Remove Self-Sowing Seedheads
Clip ripening seedheads from plants that tend to self-sow aggressively, like Joe-Pye weed, comfrey, lemon balm, cleome and money plant. Destroy — don't compost — these seedheads.—Julie Martens
Start Drying Summer Blooms
Harvest herbs and flowers you want to dry for holiday gift-giving. — Julie Martens
Also See: How to Preserve Flowers
Remove Spent Vegetables
Yank summer squash and bean plants that are finished for the season. — Julie Martens
Gather Fruit
Gather fallen fruit from trees. This limits disease spread and keeps wasps to a minimum. — Julie Martens
Sow Lettuce Seeds
Toss lettuce seed into protected nooks of the garden for a late fall crop.—Julie Martens
Compost Summer Veggies
Remove vegetable plants as they finish producing. Use them to start a new compost pile. — Debbie and Mark Wolfe
Amend Garden Beds
Use compost made from spring and early summer waste to amend beds where plants were removed. — Debbie and Mark Wolfe
Also See: How to Compost
Harvest Melons
Finally enjoy homegrown cantaloupe and watermelon! — Debbie and Mark Wolfe
Also See: How to Plant and Grow Watermelon
Lawn Mower Maintenance
We'll sharpen the blade on the lawn mower. — Debbie and Mark Wolfe
Also See: Lawn Mower Maintenance
Cane Berries
We'll cane (prune) stems from the raspberry and blackberry bushes to encourage more fruit next year, since those stems won't produce fruit again. — Debbie and Mark Wolfe
Sow Crops for Fall
Direct sow carrots, collards, beans, broccoli and green onions. — Debbie and Mark Wolfe
Also See: How to Plant and Grow Broccoli
Design a Shed
We'll design our new garden shed and order the supplies to build it. — Debbie and Mark Wolfe
Do Light Pruning
We'll lightly prune the blueberries and figs. — Debbie and Mark Wolfe
Store Iris
We'll dig up and pot up the iris bed for future relocation. — Debbie and Mark Wolfe
Also See: Iris Flower: Varieties to Grow and How to Care for Them
Repair the Rake
We'll put a new handle on the leaf rake. — Debbie and Mark Wolfe
Also See: 25 Garden Tools and Essentials for Year-Round Care
Plant Mums
Plant fall-blooming annual mums for seasonal color. — Danny Flanders/Atlanta, Georgia
Learn More: Mums 101: When To Plant and How To Grow Chrysanthemums
More Flowers for Fall Color
In areas with a longer growing season, plant seeds of sunflowers, zinnias, cosmos, cleome and marigolds for fall color — Danny Flanders
Also See: Planting and Growing Zinnia Flowers
Prune Hibiscus
Prune tropical hibiscus for bringing indoors for the winter. — Danny Flanders
Also See: Growing Rose of Sharon
Fall Garden Planning
Analyze the garden for bare spots or areas in need of additions and look for good garden performers for fall planting. — Danny Flanders
Learn More: How to Start a Fall Garden
Plant Pansies
By October, I'll plant pansies to replace my summer annuals.—Lynn Coulter/Atlanta, Georgia
Also See: How to Grow and Care for Pansies
Plant Fall Bulbs
Plant fall flowering bulbs like colchicum, commonly known as fall-flowering crocus. — Danny Flanders
Prepare Fall Crops
As some of the prolific summer vegetables finish a spectacular run, it's time to look to the fall vegetable garden. Broccoli, peas, kale and spinach are ready to plant. — Mick Telkamp
Also See: How to Start a Fall Garden
Ready Soil for Second Planting Season
After pulling plants that have finished producing for the summer, it's time to yank weeds and turn the soil before planting fall crops. — Mick Telkamp
Compost Chicken Manure
Time to give the chicken coop a good cleaning. Manure composted now will be ready to apply to the garden in early spring. — Mick Telkamp
Also See: The Straight Poop on Using Chicken Manure as Fertilizer
Start Planning
Now is the time to begin planning rebalancing my borders for next season. — Kim Visokey
Keep Things Organized
I mark plants for division or donation by using alphabetized popsicle sticks. I create a key on a separate paper reminding me what the heck I had in mind. — Kim Visokey
Keep Deadheading
Continue deadheading for ongoing fall color. — Kim Visokey
Fill Empty Garden Slots
Fill in holes with colorful bargain-priced annuals! — Kim Visokey
Show Your Garden Some Love
Don't turn your back on your garden. Now's when it needs you most. Ward off the dread that summer has come and gone ... plan a garden party! — Kim Visokey
Flower Maintenance
Continue deadheading roses and other blooming shrubs, perennials and annuals to encourage rebloom. Also, cut off any spent blooms to stop perennials from setting more seeds. — Dee Nash/Gurthie, Oklahoma
Also See: How to Grow Roses
Refresh Mulch
Replenish mulch wherever it has broken down. This helps plants retain water and keeps soil cool. — Dee Nash
Also See: 10 Mulch Do's and Don'ts
Have Patience
Hold off on planting new perennials and annuals because it's still too hot outside. — Dee Nash
Fall Vegetable Plan
In mid-August, start lettuce, spinach and other leafy greens inside to set out when weather begins to cool in late September. Buy seeds of radishes, beets and other cool crops for your fall vegetable garden. These can be planted in September in some areas. Check local cooperative extension service bulletins for planting times. — Dee Nash
Watering System Check-In
Check irrigation system or soaker hoses for leaks. Fix any issues before cold temperatures arrive. — Dee Nash
Watch the Hives
I'll be watching the beehives closely, ensuring that they are beginning to store up pollen and honey supplies for the upcoming winter. — Melissa Caughey
Gather Reading Materials
I'm going to be working on a gardening winter reading list that will help me prepare for cold days when I can't get out into the garden. — Melissa Caughey
Slug Control
Slug control will consist of small dishes of beer and salt placed strategically around the garden, such as under the hostas.—Melissa Caughey
Also See: Slugs and Snails
Plan a Fall Foliage Trip
I will begin researching some fall leaf-peeping day trips.—Melissa Caughey
Lawn Maintenance
I will plan a weekend this fall to de-thatch and aerate the lawn. I will also reseed any bare spots left from summer's heat. — Melissa Caughey
Also See: How to Aerate Your Lawn
Wait on Tomatoes
My tomatoes got a late start, but they're finally setting fruit! I'll buy a tomato cage, as the plant has just now begun to really gain some height. Fingers crossed it keeps producing well into fall. — Jessica Yonker/Atlanta, Georgia
Repot Shade Plants
The Georgia heat is doing a number on my new foamflower and hosta. I'll repot them and put them in a shadier spot on my porch until the weather settles down, and find yet another new companion for my heuchera. — Jessica Yonker
Plant Lettuce and Herbs
After two years of growing basil unsuccessfully, I finally had luck this year with my spicy globe basil. Closer to the end of the month, I'll plant more herbs, and possibly lettuce, to start a miniature salad garden for the fall. — Jessica Yonker
Coneflower Clean-Up
When my coneflowers finish blooming, I'll neaten them up by cutting off the brown leaves and dead flowers—but I always let some of the coneflower heads dry on the plants. Goldfinches love to feast on the seeds. — Lynn Coulter
Prepare Tropical Hibiscus
I'll cut back my hibiscus and move them onto the porch, so they can adjust to having less light. Before frost, I'll move them indoors to the sunniest spot in my house. — Lynn Coulter
Plan Next Spring's Blooms
I'll make up a list of spring bulbs I want to grow. I like to order some new daffodils every year—there are so many beautiful varieties to try. — Lynn Coulter
Collect Seeds
When the seeds ripen on my non-hybrid flowers and vegetables, I'll save some for next year. And this year, I'm tying a string on my finger so I don't forget to label them. It's too easy to forget what's what! — Lynn Coulter
Rose Care
I'll apply more mulch to my roses, or I'll completely replace it if they've had problems with black spot or other diseases this year.—Lynn Coulter
Overwinter Geraniums and Impatiens
Before the first frost, I'll take my geraniums out of their pots, cut them back, and store them in paper bags in a dry, cool place until spring. I'll also make cuttings of any impatiens I want to keep. — Lynn Coulter
Clean Tools
My secateurs and other tools have served me well this season. To show them my appreciation, I will give them a thorough cleaning and take them off the front porch where they have been living and find them a dry home where they will be protected from the elements. — Felicia Feaster/Atlanta, Georgia
Also See: How to Clean and Care for Your Garden Tools in 8 Easy Steps
Start Dreaming of Fall
Yes, it's only August, but it's not too early too start clipping and assembling my favorite fall and Halloween decorating ideas so I'll be ready when pumpkins and mums hit the store. — Felicia Feaster
Even though it is beginning to feel like summer is coming to an end, I won't forget to give my garden — and containers — long, nourishing drinks to keep plants and flowers looking their best. — Felicia Feaster
Collecting Fall Recipes
My apple tree is filling with fruit, so I am researching ways to use apples and pumpkins in comforting fall recipes. — Felicia Feaster
Herbal Remedy
I'm going to begin storing away my garden herbs for later, which means clever tricks like making pesto from my abundant basil to freeze for later use, freezing herbs in oil and using herbs in soaps among other ways to put a harvest to good use. — Felicia Feaster
Repot Houseplants
I'm going to start repotting my houseplants that have been living outside, moving them into bigger or better containers and getting them cleaned up and tidy for their short journey from porch to home. — Felicia Feaster
Order Allium Bulbs
I am anxious to try these whimsical beauties in my cottage garden where I think they will look great against my white picket fence. Just deliberating whether I should supersize it and order outrageous giant alliums for even more impact. — Felicia Feaster
April Gardening To Do List
Source: https://www.hgtv.com/outdoors/gardens/planting-and-maintenance/august-to-do-list-fall-garden-head-start-pictures
Posted by: brownsproas.blogspot.com
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