
Bing's 2022 US Elections Experience aims to help you make informed decisions

Bing aims to clear defoliation and present relevant data to assistance voters in the U.South. 2022 election. A new Bing 2022 U.S. Elections Feel is at present in beta, bringing in facts, quotes, and figures from several news sources and websites. The feel aims to present large amounts of relevant information in a unmarried identify that'southward like shooting fish in a barrel to notice. A Bing weblog mail breaks down the new election feel.

When you search a candidate on Bing, the search engine gathers data from news articles, official candidate websites, and non-partisan partners like The information is curated into easily digestible blocks of information on the search results page.

Political elections are a catchy time for people seeking information. Bing's election experience includes candidates' stances on issues "in their own words, from diverse sources." In addition to quotes and other information, the Bing election experience will show a summary of each candidate's voting record on congressional bills.

The beta experience is exclusive to U.S. elections at this time, though Microsoft may expand it in the future.


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