
What Is That Anime That A Girl Goes To The Future With A Guy That's An Older Yuu

Yuu Otosaka (乙坂 有宇, Otosaka Yuu) is the principal protagonist of the story and a kickoff-year transfer educatee at Hoshinoumi University. He has the ability to temporarily possess a person for 5 seconds. All the same, it is later revealed that his actual ability is stealing the abilities of the ability-user he possesses. Towards the end of the series, he becomes widely known (and feared) as the One-Eyed Grim Reaper. He is also the younger brother of Shunsuke Otosaka, and the older brother of Ayumi Otosaka.


Yuu Otosaka CD1.png

Yuu has dark dark-brown hair, and maroon eyes, various outfits throughout the serial but is mostly seen in his Hoshinoumi uniform, which consists of a black jacket and a white under-shirt with a night blue shirt underneath, black pants, and brown shoes. He is also considered handsome by his peers and friends.

Every bit for Happiness, You Did Non Notice he is seen wearing the summer variant of the compatible, which consists of a white shirt, black pants, and brownish shoes. Afterward Ayumi's death (The Cease of the Exodus), Yuu wears a night carmine hoodie with a cherry undershirt, blueish pants, and brown shoes. During this fourth dimension he has dark rings under his eyes, implying malnutrition.

Other outfits donned by Yuu include his Hinomori High School winter uniform, which consists of a white blazer with a turquoise tie and white undershirt, grey pants, and black shoes. Interestingly, the uniform of his middle school is identical in design to his Hoshinoumi uniform, except that it is turquoise in colour.

While he uses his original power, his irises get lime green and his pupils become lite teal. When he uses telekinesis, a regal glow surrounds his body. When he uses time-bound, his optics glow brilliant blue with white lines spinning within the irises.

Later the events of Charlotte, during which Yuu's right middle is slashed past an enemy aggressor's pocketknife, a scar is conspicuously visible where he was injured. Therefore, he wore a medical eye-patch while he was hospitalized

During the second half of Memories to Come, Yuu is seen wearing a black coat with a hoodie and rolled up sleeves, a red undershirt, blue pants and black shoes. He also wears a black watch on his left wrist. He is noticeably taller, his hair is longer and almost completely covers his scarred centre.


Yuu, at the start of the series, is a selfish, arrogant and egotistic boy, who misuses his ability on a daily basis. It is implied that he is an academically poor pupil and hence needed to cheat to accomplish elevation-ranked grades; whether this is accurate or he simply saw information technology as easier than having to report is unknown, but Nao implies that his standardized test scores are low. Despite this, Yuu is clearly intelligent, beingness able to devise carefully calculated schemes to achieve his devious goals. He is also able to calmly analyze situations, shown during the baseball game game in Moment of Earnest. Furthermore, considering the fact that he is able to memorize the answers of the smart students under 5 seconds he shows the potential to exist exceedingly diligent however he does not put his academic abilities and talent to use. While a principal of his ain crafts, Yuu isn't the best at socializing with others and is quite rude at the beginning of the story. He acts differently only when talking with his younger sis, Ayumi, with whom he tones downwards his personality and becomes more than open and brotherly. Information technology is also implied that he has a sister complex. While masquerading every bit a model student, he hides his narcissistic personality only occasionally starts laughing like a villain if his plan succeeds, fifty-fifty if others are present. Yuu can also be perverted at times whenever he possesses a girl's body. He uses his power to cause fights amidst people he dislikes and to cheat on tests by possessing smart students and memorizing their answers. He cares footling for other people, including his classmates and strangers; he fifty-fifty orchestrates an accident to "save" Yumi Shirayanagi without any concern for the truck driver he possesses. The but exception to this apathy is his younger sister. Although he attempts to course a human relationship with Yumi, when he leaves her behind afterward she fell while he was trying to escape Nao, it becomes clear that he but likes Yumi for her looks.

He also loves to consume expert food to the point of crying, the reason being that his sis adds pizza sauce to everything she cooks for him (even french toast). After being forced to transfer to Hoshinoumi past Nao, Yuu'southward personality slowly begins to change for the ameliorate. At first, he is conspicuously against using his power for anything he doesn't want to and simply does so after urging from Nao, though this changes every bit time passes. Although he dislikes Nao in the showtime, he feels sympathy for her regarding the situation with her brother and her difficult past, also equally her rocky relationship with other students. Throughout the series, Yuu acts equally a comedic straight man whenever something bizarre or aberrant occurs due to the other members' antics. An example of this is his reaction to Jojiro Takajo's physical state after using his ability to get lunch from the cafeteria, or his reaction to Misa Kurobane's threats to burn things. He unknowingly begins to enjoy his fourth dimension as a member of the educatee council, as evidenced at his excitement at winning the baseball lucifer in Moment of Earnest. As of The Sound Yous Heard Sometime, he becomes a fan of the post-rock ring ZHIEND.

After Ayumi's death, Yuu goes through severe depression and instability. He goes equally far equally locking himself in his room for days, doing nix only eating instant noodles and watching TV. Later escaping Hoshinoumi, Yuu'due south mental country continues to deteriorate, and he begins picking fights with gang members, finding joy in having them vanquish each other up while he possess them and injures them. He is also shown to exist borderline sadistic, as he laughs with glee later on stabbing one such gangster in the leg with a wooden skewer. He continues to go in a down spiral and even reaches a betoken where he is virtually to use drugs. This goes on until Nao stops him.

Afterwards returning to Hoshinoumi, Yuu is noticeably more grateful towards his fellow members and is much more accepting of their antics, seeing them as shut friends. He begins to try to move on from Ayumi's death only finds himself reminded of her constantly, including a number of times when he thinks nearly calling habitation to tell her he'll be late, merely to realize she's not there anymore.

His encounter with Sala Shane allows him to realize that he has become more gentle and considerate towards those around him, and that it was Nao who caused him to alter over time. This new attitude is shown when he takes Sala to meet Kazuki Tomori in the hopes of curing Kazuki's mental illness, despite there being no proceeds for him.

In the original timeline, his personality is the aforementioned as it was when he met Sala. Despite the fact that he never met Nao in this timeline, it is also implied that he never developed his villainous tendencies, peradventure because of his older brother'due south skillful influence on him. He is still a caring older brother to Ayumi, and everyone thinks he has a sis complex. He besides cares greatly for and looks upwards to his older brother, Shunsuke, and has a lot of religion in him, fifty-fifty risking his own life to salvage Shunsuke so that he could time leap and modify the past.

As a child, Yuu is shown to be quite responsible for his age, as he helps Ayumi cook breakfast and afterwards scolds Shunsuke for sleeping late instead of making breakfast.

During the events of Charlotte, Yuu ultimately overcomes his selfish nature completely; despite his initial fears, he attempts to rescue Nao and Kumagami from a group of foreign terrorists who desire to utilise him for their own goals. Afterwards, Yuu is saddened when he learns of Kumagami's death, and he feels responsible for information technology.

As of Promise, Yuu is shown to care for his friends immensely and wants to be able to protect them from harm, no matter how much danger he may have to confront. This, every bit well as his promise to Nao, allows him to decide to take a huge risk and attempt to plunder all abilities outside of Japan. His determination is strong enough to snap Shunsuke out of his depression over Kumagami's death.

Over the form of his journeying, Yuu's abilities, as well as the constant danger he faces, begin to take their cost on him. He shows signs of PTSD and is unable to sleep, and if he does sleep he sleepwalks and attacks enemy ability users also every bit innocent civilians. Gaps in his retention start to form, and he finds himself unable to call up either his past or his goal. He isn't even able to call back Nao, but he is able to remember their promise. He also appears to no longer fearfulness expiry, either because he could save himself using his newfound abilities, or because he is becoming emotionally numb. As time passes, he embraces the moniker "One-Eyed Grim Reaper"; it is unsaid that he has forgotten his ain name at this point, and he begins plundering abilities with glee. He briefly shows signs of his erstwhile, narcissistic, ability-abusing personality but ultimately forgoes this way of thinking when Nao's flashcards bring on feelings of regret, as well as determination to keep his promise, despite his inability to remember who he made this promise to, or why. He continues to plunder abilities in a somewhat emotionless state, though does seem to become angry at enemies occasionally. At the end of his journey, he is a crush of his former cocky, nigh completely devoid of emotion. He barely even shows much, if any reaction having three arrows shot into his back. Despite this, he saves the life of the final power user and tells her to go to safety after plundering her power of courage, thereby completing his mission.

At the end of the serial, Yuu has lost all of his past memories. As a result, his personality is a blank slate. Nevertheless, he is yet similar to how he was before he left, every bit he tells Nao not to weep, showing he has retained his kindness despite the trials he has faced. Yuu now looks forward to making many new, fun memories with his friends every bit he moves towards the hereafter.


In Happiness You Did Not Discover, when everyone discovers that Ayumi might have a dangerous ability called "Collapse", they go to her eye school simply are also late as Ayumi's ability awakens causing the building effectually her to collapse and she dies.

Yuu starts getting frantic about the blow and searches for Ayumi's body. While searching, a piece of the building falls on Yuu and he awakens in The End of the Exodus to the shocking news that Ayumi has died. He goes into a land of shock and becomes mentally ill. Due to this, he ignores Yusa, Jojiro, and Yumi when they visit.

He runs away from home to avert the pupil council from finding him and picks fights with ruthless people and wins due to his ability. He spends a lot of money on instant noodles and pizza during this fourth dimension. After assaulting multiple people, Nao appears just earlier he uses cocaine and reveals that she has been watching him the entire time being invisible to just him. She makes him a dish with one of Yuu'southward female parent's recipes which Ayumi used to make. To which he starts crying even though he thinks it is as well sweet and disgusting.

Later he promises to rejoin the educatee council. The day that Nao appear that she had tickets to encounter ZHIEND, Yusa, Misa and Jojiro had forced Yuu to go with her. It was also on that very twenty-four hour period that he had coincidentally met with the lead vocalizer, Sala, outside of school. He was and so forced into taking her to consume just was shocked to believe he was right, that she was indeed the singer. Her capability in being able to exercise things whilst blind had kind of fascinated him, specially when she'south able to detect his expressions from his animate.

Yuu had politely and kindly taken her many places, one of them was back abode so that she could pray to his piddling sis, who he told her virtually. He even thought that Nao would want to come meet her merely Nao had declined the offer. It is then revealed that, over the phone, he asked Nao if he could take Sala to see her brother just in case a miracle were to happen if she was there. Nao said it was a possibility and allowed them to get so Yuu took Sala out to the hospital where Kazuki was "composing" music.

Sala and then began singing and after she finished, Yuu thanked her considering Kazuki had finally become sane. The start thing he even did was to enquire if Kazuki remembered his sister. Later that night, Sala went dorsum with a bodyguard for the concert the side by side twenty-four hour period, and Yuu went back home. Exterior his apartment door, he received a call from Nao, who thanked him for his help. It is also shown that he might have some love interest with Tomori Nao since The Sound Y'all Heard Sometime. In The Earth that is No Longer Here, it is confirmed that Yuu has feelings for Tomori Nao, as he keeps staring her time to time and blushes near of the time he sees her face and is not able to meet eyes to optics with her correctly. He is even shown to feel uncomfortable when he see'southward Nao and his brother Shunsuke getting along so well. Especially seeing Nao'due south change in attitude simply towards Shunsuke, not seen towards anyone until this episode.

In Plunder, it is revealed that Yuu gained the abilities of those he possessed in the past who had special abilities. He later possesses his blood brother, Shunsuke, in order to take his time-spring power to go back to the day before Ayumi dies and save her. After gaining time-leap, he goes back in time and wakes upwardly the morning before the solar day Ayumi dies. He successfully stops and saves Ayumi from her classmate and then on the manner back domicile they run across Kumagami and Medoki. Yuu asks them to take them to meet their brother, Shunsuke.

In Charlotte, a group of foreign terrorists took Kumagami and Nao Tomori every bit captives to get Shunsuke to bring Yuu to them. Shunsuke convinces Yuu to go alone to confront them with his ability. Simply when Yuu had arrived, he constitute that the terrorists accept planned out everything very well. While fighting he tries to utilise time leap but cannot considering the attacker had slashed his right eye. And then due to that Yuu cannot aid but utilise the collapse ability and succeeds in stopping the terrorist assault, but was not able to control his power thus causing Kumagami to sacrifice himself to protect Nao Tomori.

In Promise, Yuu is shown to exist on a bed and his trunk is tied to the bed tightly restricting many movements. When he gets upwards he remembers what happened while fighting against the foreign terrorists and it activates the Collapse power which is calmed downward after getting injection in his manus from Shichino. Later he finds out that Nao was saved by Kumagami, but he died in the process and he blames himself for it. His brother Shunsuke is also shown depressed and has not moved even a flake and is sitting on a bench at the rooftop of the hospital. Jōjirō comes to visit and brings beef natural language curry with him and feeds information technology Yuu which brings him back to a skilful mood. Adjacent, Yusa comes to visit Yuu and brings foam stew with her and feeds information technology to Yuu which he compliments for being good. He afterward calls for Misa, and Yusa and Misa switch. He tells Misa that she should visit her parents while she however has fourth dimension every bit a Special Power User because they won't know when Yusa's ability will disappear to which Misa agrees.

Then Yusa goes to visit her parents and switches with Misa. She cries while eating her parents bootleg food, knowing it's filled with their love. Afterwards some days, Ayumi comes to wish happy altogether to Yuu when he turns 16,and feeds him omelet-rice made with the special pizza sauce only it is very tasty, even though convinced that the gustatory modality is the same, but knows that information technology is "filled with dear" as Misa had said. Subsequently he goes to effort and cheer up his brother and remembers about himself being in nearly the same state when he had lost Ayumi in a different timeline. So he fails in auspicious his brother up.

In Memories to Come, Yuu starts his journeying to take everyone's abilities, start, he tries to observe someone who can search for other ability wielders, he starts off in a city in Philippines. After finding a guy named Angelo and taking away his ability to find other ability wielders, he continues searching. After going to Africa and then Egypt, other ability wielders have started to phone call him "The I-Eyed Reaper", which he remarks to be an "embarrassing name". In a city in Cuba, Yuu is seen lying in bed, screaming at something to "close up" while hearing multiple voices in his head. His irritation and instability considering of this causes his to subconsciously activates Plummet, making everything around him crumble, including his telephone which explodes, cancelling the incoming telephone call from his brother. He then stands upwards from within the rubble, ready to strike at a random person with his telekinesis, notwithstanding he stops himself just in time telling himself to not impale anyone. It is debated whether or not he was channeling.

In Western Saudi Arabia, he is seen lying in bed again, blackness middle-rings surround his optics. He convinces himself to sleep with the aid of some pills and falls asleep. He wakes up the next day and finds out that he had eradicated a terrorist force when he was sleeping, stealing the powers from the children the terrorists were using. After traveling from country to country, which included Italy, Portugal, the United Kingdom and many others, he slowly loses his sanity, forgetting the promise he fabricated with Nao, simply to be reminded by the deck of linguistic communication cards made by her. All the same ,he forgets who Nao is, saying that all he knows is that that person was dearest to him. He accepts his name "The One-eyed Reaper" going well-nigh stealing other people's abilities in a carefree fashion, even saying that he is and so powerful that he is god. Finally, in Beijing, where he has one terminal person's ability to steal, his concrete strength now is so weak that he requires a walking stick to stand. He is attacked by a man with a crossbow, who says that he can live a peaceful life after collecting the bounty that was put on Yuu's head. Yuu is then saved by the ability wielder he was supposed to steal, with the ability of courage, he so steals the power and sends the daughter home. As he walks abroad, he is so shot in the back again with a 4th arrow past the human being, causing him to fall onto the floor. Yuu's blood brother then comes in a helicopter and and saves him just in time.

Yuu wakes up in a infirmary bed, with Nao sitting beside his bed. He tells her that he does not recognize her, to the dismay of Nao. She tells him that he is her lover, to which he again says that he doesn't recognize her. She realizes he had kept the deck of cards throughout his journey, he tells her that to him information technology was a good luck charm, which she starts to tear up at. He and so tells her to not cry, which shows that he regained his kindness. He holds her manus and comes to realize that in time he will be able to fully accept her as his lover. They are and then in a field, with Ayu, Jōjirō, and Yusa, with his words beingness "I'm looking forrad to what's to come.".


Main article: Plunder

Yuu has the power to take over someone'southward body for approximately five seconds. He initially used this power to posses honors students during their exams to memorize and steal their answers. While in employ, his irises become lime green and his pupils go light teal. However, his trunk slumps into unconsciousness while this ability is in employ. Recently, it has likewise been discovered he can use other abilities whilst controlling their bodies. Withal, the v seconds time limit even so applies. Every bit of The World that is No Longer Hither, it is revealed Yuu'due south truthful power is "Plunder" which takes someone's ability away from them (They can't always apply their ability once more) and use information technology equally his own. Plunder seems to accept no limit to the number of abilities it tin steal, which proved useful for Yuu's programme to plunder every ability in the world.

Plunder, as with all other abilities, has it's faults and limitations. The first is that while Yuu is possessing someone, he leaves his own body exposed to danger. This hasn't acquired any trouble for Yuu though, equally he uses his maximum of 5 seconds efficiently past injuring other opponents and then the host before time runs out. While in another person's body, Yuu also feels the hurting inflicted to the host, though he will sustain no lasting injuries due to him returning to his real body shortly after.

Another drawback is that with each ability Yuu plunders, the more he seemingly loses his memories, sense of cocky, and sanity as a upshot of the mental strain of possessing multiple abilities. While the event is minimal and is inappreciably even noticeable, it is shown that the abilities Yuu plundered on his journeying across the world built plenty of this effect that he was often capable of being seen as mentally unstable, with Nao'due south deck of cards being the only thing dampening and even reversing this effect to an extent by reminding him of his purpose. By the end of his journey, it is clear that the likely tens of thousands of abilities Yuu plundered across the world provided enough of a toll on his mind that his personality was set to that of a blank slate, though he was able to go along the kindness he had before he embarked on his journey. Information technology is too remarked by Nao that it's a miracle Yuu is even capable of speech later handling the mental burden of perchance tens of thousands of abilities.

A third limitation is that Yuu retains all abilities he plunders and uses retain their drawbacks and limitations for him, such as when his vision slightly worsened as a issue of using Fourth dimension Leap, which was the same drawback that somewhen blinded Shunsuke afterward his countless uses.


  • Even with thousands, or probable even tens of thousands of looted abilities at his disposal (Memories to Come), he frequently uses Telekinesis and Barrier as his go-to abilities during battle for offense and defense, respectively.
  • He has the same voice actor of Gin from Hotarubi no Mori e, Yuri Plisetsky from Yuri!! on Ice and the same English vocalisation actor every bit Noctis Lucis Caelum from Last Fantasy XV.
  • His Japanese voice histrion and Nao'due south Japanese voice actress play the principal characters of Hotarubi no Mori due east.
  • His surname might exist inspried by Tomo Otosaka,a baseball thespian in Yokohama DeNa Baystars

    Yuu falls unconscious upon using his powers

  • A running gag occurs whenever Yuu uses his power to accept command of someone else, his body slumps forrard in a humiliating pose where he's bent over on all fours,with his head face-planted and his rear protruding upward.


  1. In episode 1, Tomori holds upward Yuu'southward recent medical study (at 11:00), which shows them as being xv.
  2. There is no official source that confirmes the date of birth.


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